Monday, March 17, 2008

Two Posts in One Night? Oh Yes, I Went There

It's Paddy's day and that means I'm down in the dumps. This holiday makes me miss Ireland like crazy. In the past few years, Paddy's Day has fallen on a weekend night so I've been far to drunk to realize how much it makes me miss my second favorite country in the whole world.

And so, in order to remember how much I love Eire, I've decided to make a list on all the things I miss/love about the little island floating in the big, blue, Atlantic. Woops, I forgot to mention frigid as well.

What I love about Ireland:

1. The chocolate. Nothing beats chocolate from across the pond. It's smoother, it's more creamy, and it's heaven.
2. The Coca-Cola. No joke, it tastes much better there than it does here.
3. Beautiful hills, lakes, cliffs, mountains, etc. Connemare is gorgeous.
4. The people.
5. The accents.
6. The music. So many talented musicians come from Ireland. So many undiscovered artists. You should research it.
7. Cork city centre
8. The beer. The cider.
9. The goat's cheese.
10. The little eco-friendly cars
11. Father Ted
12. Ray Darcy and Today FM
13. Tommy Tiernan
14. The cows in Darren's back yard.
15. Crumbled castles that you can explore.
16. History at your fingertips.
17. Laid back lifestyle.
18. Its easy accessibility to other parts of Europe.
19. Brown Bread
20. Darren

Of course, there's many things about Ireland that I dislike (as with any thing, correct?) and I could probably think of more things to add to the like list.

But, it's late and I really need sleep.

So I can go to work tomorrow and bring home some bacon.

Which brings me to my next topic....

I think I'm gonna give up red meat. Maybe even chicken and turkey as well...except sandwiches...mmmm. And I think I may be able to do without pork as well.

I had a veggie burger tonight and it was fab.

I've Been Busy

Why do we have to be defined by what we do for a living?

Is it because we spend most of our lives doing it?

Funny, I remember things I do out of the office more than what I do during my 8 hour work day. I cherish those things. My job isn't my life and I like that balance.

But try having this conversation with your dad who thinks that a way to live comfortably is to make at least 200,000 (if you're married and that's each spouse making 100,000) dollars a year. My kind of comfortable is shopping at Target, discount stores, and driving my Honda Civic. His kind of comfortable is cruising around in his two seater Lexus convertible, shopping at Whole Foods, and wearing strictly Tommy Bahama shirts.

And that's his prerogative, to value his money.

So why can't it be mine to go off and do what I want. Or at least try what I want. Why do I feel so caught up in status and why do I have to be such a pleaser?

We all have our faults.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Top O' The Mornin' to You, and the Rest of the Sterotypes to Yourself

Today I got to thinking about the McDonald's Shamrock Shake:

Ah yes, in honor of Saint Patrick's Day, why don't we patronize the Irish with vanilla milkshake in disguise?

I guess it could be worse. There could be leprechauns and pots of gold printed all over the cup.

Funny thing though, I was reading up on the Shamrock Shake online and apparently it is available in Ireland. Now, I've never noticed it being on the menu, then again I was never there in the month of March. So if any Irish friends want to clear up this discrepancy, that would be much appreciated.

The Shamrock Shake.

Oh dear.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Welcome to the Jungle

I swear I have good reasoning for my inconsistency in posts recently. Mainly it's because I...


Ah yes, I've finally left the quiet womb of Simi Valley and have entered the big, bad jungle that is Burbank, CA.

Okay, so maybe it's not that wild. In fact, it's probably one of the tamest cities in Los Angeles County. But that's the whole point, it's Los Angeles County. No longer am I living in the safety net of Ventura County. Here I am, minutes away from nightlife, culture, and diversity. I'm not sure if all that exists right here in Burbank, but hey... there's an IKEA which is Swedish. Culture? Perhaps.

It feels good to be among my belongings that have been locked up in my storage unit since last May. It's like coming off the bench after an injury. Well, from my furniture's perspective. Not like my furniture has the ability to tear a ligament, but you get what I'm saying.

When I was little, I used to think my stuffed animals would know when I've neglected them. I wonder if that's how stored furniture feels. If it could feel. Okay, this has gotten out of control.

So here I am, back to an independent lifestyle. It's a little scary to get back into this groove. A lot of time with independence comes loneliness, but there are plenty of ways to combat that. Roommates, art projects, blogs, trashy celebrity magazines. Right now it's kind of nice to be sitting and doing nothing and actually having time to blog. But I know myself to well. And when all the excitement of moving in settles down, I'll get bored. And when I get bored, I get that feelng. The, "Why am I here?" and "What am I doing with my life" feeling. Or, "Am I doing something wrong with my life? Am I missing something? Did I miss the cue for what I'm really meant to do?" Or wait, how about, "How am I changing the world?"

And I think my solution to this is to find a yoga class somewhere. As long as it's in the budget. Sound good? I think so.

Okay, maybe it's just that I feel that I need to do something to counter balance my corporate life. Working is crazy. It really does turn into your life even if you try your hardest not to let it. It really does catch up with you. The routine of going to bed at 10 and getting up at 6 and knowing that I have to be at work from 8-5 is comforting I must say, but I know myself. And I'm starting to wonder when it's going to get to me.

But this is what I wanted. Routine. And hey, I love the people I work with and the job location. The pay is pretty decent and my benefits can beat up you honor student. Oh wait, wrong usage.


Anyway, I'm here in Burbank and embarking on a whole new chapter in my life. Even if it's potentially for only 3 months, but hey, personal growth is personal growth and experience is experience.

And now I leave you with this:

"Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery." (Anonymous,

*In the meantime, you can look forward to my next blog topic: The Lack of a Period Key on my Laptop is the Bane of My Existence.